Hey guys! I wanted to share some of the Bible study tools I use. As girls, we have to admit that having pretty and asthetic supplies is THE BEST!! (Am I right?)
This is the Bible I have. I personally tend to use KJV or ESV. If you don't want to get this exact one, I'd totally recommend Hosanna Revival Bibles. They have SUPER pretty ones:) A nice Bible may be a little expensive, but it's TOTALLY worth investing in;)
I bought these Bible verse cards, and they're really fun just to give to friends for a little encouragement. You can also put them on your bulletin board:)
If you can't tell yet, I LOVE the Mr. Pen brand haha. These are the Bible tabs I have, and they're super asthetic. You can get different color schemes to coordinate with your Bible!
That's it! I hope this helped you get even more excited about your devotions!! xoxo