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Prayer Encouragement

Sometimes prayer can seem boring or monotonous. For a long time I felt as though I had nothing new to say to God, and that He got bored of me saying and praying for the same things over and over. I felt like I was not even worthy to speak to Him. So I eventually just stopped prioritizing prayer. And then, after a while, I just didn't pray at all. This blog post is a bit of a personal testimony of how I changed that, as well as short, simple encouragement to get your prayer life off the ground. I hope this is an inspiration and encouragment to all of you, but especially to my girls doing the summer challenge:)

Here's a couple tips when it comes to staying focused:)

1. Put aside any distractions. (ex. phone, computer, book, etc.)

2. Have a set time (you don't want to be in a hurry)

3. Prayer walks or showers (lol) can really help ya focus;)


Also, I sometimes struggled with knowing WHAT to pray, so here are some ideas if you just feel totally stuck:)

1. Pray through a Psalm

2. Just praise Him sis ❤️

3. Tell him your doubts, fears and worries, and lay them at His feet

4. Pray for others, and be specific; ask your friends for prayer requests:)


Get creative and have fun!!

1. Prayer board (here's mine:)

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2. Prayer closet (also mine, although it needs redoing now lol)

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3. Prayer journal! Make prayer lists, and keep track of answered prayers. My dad has an amazing prayer list that He started in 2018, and so far God has answered 1,633 of his prayers!! How awesome would it be to look back at that?!?

I hope this inspired y'all to have a deeper prayer life, and that you will put some of these practical tips to good use! xoxo

"Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers DO make a difference." -Max Lucado